Engagment XemplarTelematics Helping Insurers AND the Driver

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Engagment XemplarTelematics Helping Insurers AND the Driver
Telematics enables insurers to collect real-time drivers' statistics and Prime's Xemplar is a mobile based telematics system that can offer sophisticated analysis of real-time results to create customized consumer insurance policy.

Middle East customers visit DAQIN for Custom phone skins
August 2015, 2 customers from Middle East visit DAQIN head quarter in Beijing China, for the business cooperation of custom phone skins machine, laptop custom skins machine.

5 Ways SharePoint Application Development Helps Business to Transform
SharePoint is an application platform available as a component of Microsoft Office server suite. It launched more than a decade ago in the year 2001. Most of the mid-sized businesses or the specific departments in large organisations deploy SharePoint.

About Omnikey And Mifare Products
Since many years, various companies in the industry have set standards in innovating new products which can be used for accessing control and maintaining security at a place. While making a choice of the security products it is important to ensure that the best amongst the whole lot of products is purchased which is produced following the latest technology.






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