How Content Marketing and SEO Work Together – Business 2 Community

How Content Marketing and SEO Work Together
Business 2 Community
There has never been a greater requirement for content in marketing than right now. With the internet being in millions of cases the only 'shop window' that a business has, it is imperative to make the website as visible and as engaging as possible

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Search Engine Journal

10 Tips for Effective #SEO Copywriting
Search Engine Journal
SEO” and “copywriting”—two specialized fields that can seem at odds with each other, yet have entered into a unique marriage. Together, they have created the ultimate offspring in the form of content marketing. Theirs is a complicated relationship

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Search engine optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s “natural” or un-paid search results. In general, the earlier , and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine’s users.

A recent survey reveals that, among franchise brands, mobile marketing strategies are significantly less popular than other digital marketing efforts. In fact, the survey found that, despite some efforts to integrate mobile marketing, only 6 percent of franchises intended to prioritize mobile in their marketing spend this year.






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