Have you come back from summer and feel like you are scrambling to catch-up? You probably either enjoyed the time off and fell behind, or everyone else came back and triggers are being pulled like an Expendables movie. There is an another kind of scrambling going on with companies, and that is for marketing automation. Haven’t heard of it? Heard of it and don’t know what it is? Well, marketing automation is becoming the buzzword these days for any company looking to crush their competition digitally. The concept isn’t exactly new though. It has been around since the 80’s, but only recently has been picking up pace.
Red Thinking, LLC is Right at Home as a Winner of Multiple 2015 Great American Living Awards
G2 Crowd Publishes Fall 2015 Rankings of the Best Search Advertising Software, Based on User Reviews
The updated GridSM report for search advertising , published today by business software review site G2 Crowd , ranks 10 products to help purchasers with their software selections. AdWords, Kenshoo, Marin Software and WordSteam were named Leaders in the report, receiving strong customer satisfaction scores with a large market presence.
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