Weekly SEO Recap: AJAX crawling and Panda

After this week’s launch of our first Basic SEO training, it’s now time to sit back and relax. For about two minutes. The next milestone is our upcoming Yoast SEO release which we’ve determined, because of the sheer amount of new features in it, will be called Yoast SEO 3.0. Luckily, the search engi

Une infographie qui récapitule un topo assez sur la meilleure façon de rechercher des requêtes (mots clés) efficaces en référencement naturel… Notre infographie du vendredi est proposée aujourd’hui (et comme la semaine dernière) par le site Red Square SEO; Elle propose un petit guide assez complet

The country is still reeling from President William Jefferson Clinton’s landmark address in which he confessed to “improper” relations with Monica Lewinsky. Though early polls indicate that most people grudgingly accept Clinton’s explanation of the events and now desire to move beyond the scandal, they also reveal that people were quite disheartened by Clinton’s somewhat angry and curt speech.

It’s no surprise that users want a fluid navigation while online, but certain ad formats have hindered this. Based our knowledge of what doesn’t work, how can we define sustainable digital advertising? While perusing the technical documents relating to Google’s new Accelerated Mobile Pages initiative, I noticed an interesting phrase that I’ve never seen before: “A goal of the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project is to ensure effective ad monetization on the mobile web while embracing a user-centric approach… As part of that, those involved with the project are also engaged in crafting Sustainable Ad Practices to insure that ads in AMP files are fast, safe, compelling and effective for users.”

Search Engine Land

The Latest In Advanced Technical SEO: SMX East Recap
Search Engine Land
This session brought together seasoned industry veterans to discuss the challenges and opportunities that come with advanced technical search engine optimization, and the panelists had some great insights into solving and preventing technical SEO issues.
Digital Marketing Agency Experience Advertising, Inc. Launches SEO Video PR Web (press release)

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Search Engine Journal

12 Reasons Why You Might Never (Ever) Want to Hire an In-House SEO
Search Engine Journal
Hiring decisions are always tough. Making hiring decisions about SEOs are especially challenging. Deciding between an in-house SEO and an agency is tougher still. There are a long list of pros and cons on either side of this debate. In the end, you






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