Distinction Between Digital Books and eBooks

A digital book and an eBook might appear to be similar but are way too much different from one another. Many people are still unaware of the differences and tend to confuse one with the other one. Practically they need to know the difference of both the book and in that order we are writing down this article.

Business Blogging is basically a marketing technique where blogging is used as a means to get the business more online visibility. In business blogging, the blog posts are about a particular subject matter which is related to the business. For example, if a company has launched some new products then they might write about it in blogs using all the social media like Facebook or Twitter, Emails.

Blogging is growing fast as many people these days choose blogs as the medium to express and share their views with people who share the same interest. It is a great way to share ideas, make friends, and even make some money. Blogging these days isn’t just limited to sharing ideas.

A blog is a type of website in which items are posted on a regular basis which is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the page to the older posts towards the bottom. The term blog is actually a shortened form of weblog. Adding an article to an existing blog is referred to as ‘blogging’.






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