JM Internet Group, Leader in Small Business SEO Training, Announces New Updates to SEO Tips Blog

JM Internet Group, Leader in Small Business SEO Training, Announces New Updates to SEO Tips Blog

SEO Tips’ blog is utilized by Dr. Jason McDonald, SEO director of the JM Internet Group, as an easy forum to receive and answer questions from students of the company’s popular SEO training

(PRWeb February 27, 2017)

Read the full story at

An important tool that bloggers need is screen sharing. Screen sharing means that whenever you are doing a webinar or a conference all or some kind of video teaching. Either one-on-one or group, either live or recorded, it doesn’t matter.

A tools that every blogger needs of course to have the right kind of recording equipment. Because your blog not only will not be very advanced in today’s world. If it only will use the text information with pictures.

In order to have the blog that is relevant in today’s market place, I think having a text is no longer sufficient. Writing a blog post only in words limits your readerships’ ability to consume your content. Because some people like to read, some people like to listen and some people like to see things on video.

Bloggers of course need to have some coaching program and for coaching, I mean, to have some kind of personal access to you. Because there are various ways to train people, to help them and one of them is through your blogs, through your regular free postings that you are providing to your readership. Some people will really choose to work with you on a more personal level like in a group coaching sessions or a one-on-one sessions.

Membership sites require a lot of up keeping and regular posting to your premium area, so that people would love to continue to work with you and to be subscribers for a long time. In my experience, people sometimes make mistakes in two areas. You sometimes might post very little, extra and premium information for them.

A tool that a lot of bloggers need is eCommerce. eCommerce means you have a possibility to sell digital or physical goods on your site. We talked about having payment processor such as PayPal on your site and that might be enough in many cases.

The tool that is getting popular these days is webinar. For bloggers, webinars means that they could teach additional information, in depth of information to a very specific group of people who are deeply committed to you. Who provide their name and email address additionally to your newsletter subscription, to additional teaching opportunities with you.

One of the things bloggers need to think about is some kind of membership site, premium content site. Let’s face it. When you produce great free information regularly on your blog, either daily or maybe weekly, twice a week, whatever the case might be.

How can bloggers reach the readers. The primary tool that bloggers need today is of course, email. Email subscribers, email list, so to say.

Are you a serious blogger? Then you need some kind of payment processor. A lot of people use PayPal.

Do you want to become a successful blogger in today’s world? One of the most important tools include podcasting. Today podcasting means that you provide audio content regularly.

Today I will teach you about what kind of tools bloggers need. When you first set out, you have a successful blog, you have to know many things about blogging tools and software and hardware perhaps. I hope this will be helpful to you.

What kind of tools bloggers use? One of the crucial things is of course, social media profile, social media accounts. In today’s world, of course, there are hundreds of social media.

If you want to promote a business, or just share your own thoughts with the world, a blog is much easier to set up than a website and you don’t need any technical knowledge to do it. Here are the basic steps that you need to know about if you a starting a new personal blog.

There are many things that are frustrating when you first try to blog. Coming up with ideas, finding time to do it are one of the top ones. Keeping the passion going when things get tough and having your eyes fixed on your purpose is another.

Social media. Isn’t that a terrible distraction today? It’s a very powerful tool to connect with people, to really have conversations with our friends, family members, and even strangers from across the globe in real time, but it is a tremendous time sucker.

TV is another time sucker that many people have these days, and you could save actually hours a day without watching the TV. Can you go without TV in your day? I know a lot of bloggers, a lot of entrepreneurs, very successful people who don’t watch television all together.

One of the most common questions I get from my students is of course how to find time. Yes, because 24 hours a day it seems like not enough. We have so many things we have to achieve, to do.

Are you a blogger and struggling to find time to write? This is very frustrating. Believe me, I know this because I, like you, have many obligations – work, family, business, hobby etc.

It’s absolutely essential to come up with some free time to work on your blogging business but it’s not easy. A lot of bloggers struggle with this, myself included. But lately I’ve been using this technique which seem to work for me.

Would you like to come up with great ideas to write in your blogging business? Here’s what I do. Think about to carry with yourself the 10 ideas notebook.

When you struggle to find time for blogging, a lot of times you think that you are blogging as a hobby. You have a great idea. You have a passion for some area, for some activity, you have a skill to teach, and it’s a nice pastime.

One of the reasons people fail in blogging is having an amateur mentality. They write when they feel like it. They do real work when they’re inspired.

Many bloggers, when they start to write the blog posts, struggle in doing this long-term for months or years, because they think that the success will come faster than they deserve. But in today’s over saturated market in many niches that really have great competition, you have to be very patient, and do the activities in your blogging business one thing at a time. What helps in sustaining this activity over time is really finding your purpose and by finding your purpose you will actually find time, make time for your blogging activities much easier, because this is probably the…

One of the distractions for bloggers is email, of course. Email is one of the pains of modern people, modern person. We always have a tendency to check an email first thing in the email, when we first wake up, and to see if everything is okay.

If you’re really serious about your blogging success I really recommend you choose to do top five things, that’s all, that’s it. That’s it. You don’t need to do everything, but top five things are very, very enough for you to be successful in blogging, in life in general.

If we look at the most common challenges and struggles people have in their journey into becoming a better blogger, and having a successful blog, finding time to do this, to do it right, to do this efficiently and effectively obviously is really one of the main struggles and challenges people have. One of the most common questions I get from my students is of course how to find time. Yes, because 24 hours a day it seems like not enough.

The thing for you and me in our blogging experience is to set our priorities straight so that basically we would find our 20%. 20%, the most important tasks in the day that would give 80% of the achievement, of the success. Some people also teach and go even one step further than this.

Do you read blogs in the niche that interests you? Have you ever wondered whether blogs are better than books? Look inside for insights.

Thinking about starting a blog? Why I love blogging and some great reasons why you should – and shouldn’t – blog.

There are 3 types of people in the world even in the field of entrepreneurship when working together towards the common goal, we can eliminate poverty which is only possible through Social Entrepreneurship. Learn more about Social Entrepreneurship by becoming one.

Guest blogging is when you write a blog post & offer it to another blogger to post on their blog. why would you want to write on somebody else’s blog for free? And why would an established blogger want to publish your blog on their website? The answer to that question is easy: Traffic.

Learn to install WordPress properly. These methods allow for a clean installation of WordPress on your Mac, PC very quickly for any hosting provider. You will learn the 5 minute installation, how to setup your admin credentials, and what to do immediately after install.

You have probably read a ton of articles on why a blog is so important for your business. Well, the truth is that it goes way beyond just being important for your business. In fact, if you embrace it, your blog can have significance in every aspect of your life.

In this post, I’m going to show you a simple (yet unbeatable) way to drive insane amounts of traffic to your blog. Do you want to hear the best part? You can do it without even posting a single piece of content on your own site.

Nowadays we can count on thousands of blogs that cover any subject that you may need, and pharmaceuticals are no exception. The purpose of having a blog is giving important information about relevant topics, awareness about social issues or purely passion for writing. In the case of pharmaceutical blogging and its scope, healthcare is always changing.

If the quality of your blog post doesn’t matter, what does? How can you drive high-quality traffic to a blog post? What kind of content will capture an audience and get the shares and comments required to make it ‘go viral’?

With so many options out there, it is often difficult to sort out which to choose. This article clarifies the issues through three simple questions.

Selling personalized merchandise on Zazzle provides full time income for thousands of people. At the same time there are also many struggling to make their first sale. What separates the most successful sellers from all the rest? This article will explore How To Make money online with Zazzle.

Blogging is a fantastic income resource. All you need is an internet connection and the ability to write(type) clearly and coherently. Combined with the knowledge of how to monetise your blog, paying your household builds can become a worry of the past.

Regular blogging remains one of the most effective ways to increase your company website’s online exposure. This practice creates a lot of content for site visitors to read and interact with, and gives search engines more opportunities to find, index and rank your company website.

Business Blogging is basically a marketing technique where blogging is used as a means to get the business more online visibility. In business blogging, the blog posts are about a particular subject matter which is related to the business. For example, if a company has launched some new products then they might write about it in blogs using all the social media like Facebook or Twitter, Emails.

Blogging is growing fast as many people these days choose blogs as the medium to express and share their views with people who share the same interest. It is a great way to share ideas, make friends, and even make some money. Blogging these days isn’t just limited to sharing ideas.

A blog is a type of website in which items are posted on a regular basis which is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent post at the top of the page to the older posts towards the bottom. The term blog is actually a shortened form of weblog. Adding an article to an existing blog is referred to as ‘blogging’.

In today’s world, every other person has a blog. Anyone can easily set up a blog these days with the most widely used platform like WordPress and Blogger where one can create their own website for absolutely no cost. But then, creating a successful blog with consistent readers and maintaining a healthy traffic is another thing.

WordPress started in 2003 and since then, there has been no looking back. It has become the most powerful tool which is preferred by most leading businesses and has been used to create more than 70 million websites across the globe. WordPress is the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system in today’s time.

The Internet abounds in ramblings and rants that live in a tomb of lonely musings and assertions that either goes unread or that elicit an apathetic, “meh.” This does not need to be so if you consider what reaction you are trying to prompt from your audience. Whether your content is written to educate, entertain, or provoke, the following ideas will help you shape and invite feedback that increases traffic, expands your audience, and builds your brand.

If you know about blogs then you have probably noticed that some blogs get much traffic while others do not. Why does this happen? Do you have any idea?

Blogging is an important aspect of for online marketing. Blogging gives the chance to a website to be ranked higher in the search engines. This helps the visitors to notice the company’s website.

Many clients shy away from writing a newsletter because they don’t know what to write about. Here’s a suggestion: think about a question a client asked you this week or think about an interesting idea you came across you want to share with your readers. Start writing down what you want to say – don’t worry about the grammar, just get your thoughts onto paper. Once that hard part is done, then flush out the rest of your newsletter by following the formula above. Writing a consistent newsletter does take commitment and I know it took me a few years before I got serious with my commitment of delivering valuable content to my readers every Tuesday.

Nothing in life comes cheap. We must go through pains to pay the price for success. It is natural.

Learn the details on how to write a blog post step by step that will be shared and forwarded, going viral.Many tips and techniques are included.

Understanding how to write a blog can be tricky when first beginning your creative writing. Here are some helpful tips that you may find you can use.

Starting a blog with much excitement and expectations is the story of every new blogger. They do every try on the social media to announce their presence. They do everything to maximize the number of visitors on their website or the blog, but the results are quite unsatisfying which can chill down their morale. These are some of the timeless strategies for attracting more visitors to your blogs, get the appreciation and boost up your confidence level.

Every blog needs content, but do you know how to get your content published on someone else’s blog? Do you ever wonder why someone would buy content from you? How about creative high dollar marketing content and selling it online? Do you know how?

If you are to bring in never-ending money supply then Blogging is a great choice. Quality content and writing style is the key to a great blog. Traffic and cash are by-products. So for a beginning you have to build a blog and write the things that you’re great at. If you’re great at it the results will follow in about 3 month’s time. Chief source of money for bloggers is advertisement like Google AdSense, Adbrite etc.

Blogging won’t make you an instant millionaire. Many people get into Blogging with unrealistic expectations that they’d never consider entertaining if it were in some other field. Just because you don’t need to go to school for years to get a degree in Blogging for you to be able to open an online business doesn’t mean that it won’t take hard work and commitment to succeed within this arena. Like other business endeavors, it’s going to take money and time to get started and the results won’t be instantaneous.

Making a living as a blogger has to be one of the sweetest gigs out there. As a blogger, you’ll be able to earn passive income which means that your money will flow in even as you’re sleeping, travelling or relaxing with friends. You’re no long trading time for income and this is the point you need to get to if you want to really be free and financially independent (even being self-employed with clients is still pretty much like having a job). What’s more, blogging means you get to earn that money by writing on a topic that you find fascinating and you even get to become something of a minor celebrity in your chosen niche. You can earn a lot of money here too – if a blog takes off and becomes really successful then in theory you can earn thousands a day. It’s incredibly scalable and there’s no ‘upper limit’ for what you can achieve.

Needless to say, a picture is worth a thousand words. This idiom is correct in its own way because you cannot deny the fact that images are very important for the success of your blog post. This is because it can say everything that you are not able to say in your words.

Every successful online business owner knows that it’s important to build a realtionship with your blog audience. So you don’t want it to become tired and boring. Let’s look at some specific ways you turn your blog readers into blog super fans.

Most of the WordPress themes come with thousands of customization options. If these options are not coded appropriately, they can make it extremely difficult for you to change the themes or use various other plugins. You will either be locked into the theme or will have to pay some developer who can help you to make the switch.

Using WordPress has always been easy but there are a few essential tips that must be taken into consideration. The beginners who adopt these tips are in for a lot of success and they can also see the results faster.

You might have never blogged using WordPress, but things can now get easy. All you have to do is to go ahead and start blogging. However this can sometimes be a daunting task when you do not have any type of experience.

Comments are considered part of your content, so the better they are, the better your blog does in search results. But some comments, like “Hey, great post!”, with nothing else but that, don’t contribute anything useful to the conversation. Here’s one easy technique to get people to write better, helpful comments.

By now, you have probably written a great deal of content and you probably write and post content on a very regular basis. With such a large amount and frequency of content, you may be looking for ways to make your life easier and less time-consuming. One way to accomplish that is by automating at least some of your content.

Learn how to build backlinks for your blog article quickly and increase your search engine rankings. This strategy will improve your search engine rankings and boost your online presence. Using a multitude of platforms; your blogging articles will become diamonds in the ocean!

If you blog on a regular basis, you may have some difficulty coming up with topics sometimes. A good way to prevent that from ever happening is to build a pool (or repository) of topics from which to draw so that you never find yourself in that situation again.

As an Affiliate Marketer your ultimate goal is to make affiliate commissions and there are many ways you can go about doing this but one of the best ways is to have your own Authoritative Website. What is an Authoritative Website Quite simply it is a website that contains specific information about a certain topic with the intention of enlightening visitors by way of its relevant content. But when you couple this to affiliate marketing then you make your website an excellent way of selling affiliate products and making regular commissions and below I…

Do you own a blog and still can’t keep a penny for yourself? You might be doing something wrong you still don’t know about. You blog should be making you ?100,000.00 every month. Let me prove it to you.

“Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life. “One great way here can be to publish as many pieces of fresh, audience-oriented content on as many various platforms as possible.

You know it makes sense to write a blog. But you know it can also involve a lot of work. If you’re feeling that you don’t have the time to write a blog, there are plenty of activities in your blog schedule that you can set on autopilot so you can focus on other parts of running your business.

This social media marketing and advertising tip on exposing your blog for the majority of individuals on social media is going to blow you away when you see how dead simple it truly is. For those who are struggling to obtain far more targeted traffic for your blog. This hot social media tip can help you get moving into the appropriate path.

With most communication completed online, utilizing the internet for expressive, promotional and its financial opportunities is fast becoming a highly sought after venture. Simple blogging tips can help you create and develop a web platform with far reaching results. These programs can reap many rewards for those who become familiar with the tools and techniques needed to achieve a successful result.

If you are a business owner (or business anything), there is a 100 percent chance that you want to increase your customer base. If that statement is true, you need a blog in order to attract the attention of new prospective customers. Assuming that you have a blog already, you need to ask yourself if it is performing to its full potential and attracting new people (as well as existing customers).

There are those who believe in blogging once a day, and some believe once a week is enough. I’m in the somewhere in between camp, where I blog when I want to, as often as I want to, and how I want to blog. That’s my world. I like it. And I get results. Would you like more information about getting results?

Do you have a passion for fashion? Do you love putting different outfits together, seeing the quality and how they are made? Do you want to share your experiences with other people who are as passionate as you? You may want to start your own successful fashion blog.

In order to be a make up blogger, you need to have a passion for what you do and want to share your knowledge with others. There are certain things you can incorporate to ensure that you reach your audience and that you make your make up blog a complete success.

Undoubtedly, Guest Blogging is driving these days. It is a simple method, which is used by millions of bloggers all around the world to increase their blog traffic and visibility. It provides a fresh voice to your post and attracts many visitors to it.

We all love a good blog post list. People see numbers as facts, so when you combine a number with a topic your audience cares about, you improve the odds that someone will click on your headline and read your post.

Content on y our website can make a difference between seeing your site with relevance and having the only website on the web that gets lost in the disastrous dungeon of gloom and no page rank. Content. It’s REAL. Use it to improve your site ranking.

There must be many blogs and articles in which you will get the best points for writing a successful blog and seriously, not all the bloggers follow the same tactics. To overcome the situation of getting confused that what to follow and what to not. We are providing you a summary of the points which will surely help you choose creative writing elements and will also help you to be a victorious blogger.

How many times do you find yourself browsing the web, hopping from one site to the next and actually finding some pretty cool blogs? It happens to me all the time and I have every intention of going back to some of those blogs to read more.

If the mere idea of online blogging makes you break out in a sweat, it’s time to reconsider your conception of exactly what an online blog is. Blogging is merely a way to communicate effectively and casually with those who do business with you.

Needless to say, blogging is one of the best tools that let you share your views, experience or anything else in the world. Nowadays, there are so many bloggers present over the internet or intranet out of which some write for their passion, some for a profession and some for making money.

The number of blogs as of 2016 is staggering. I won’t quote the estimated number because it can only serve to discourage you. For the sake of awareness, we are talking about multi millions. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by these numbers, you should know that you can successfully compete by following a few time tested strategies.

As a website owner, unique content creation and content sharing on social media networks is an important aspect of making your services effectively speak to your audience and to grow traffic to your website. A content marketing strategy involves many steps through which the awesome content is drafted and shared on various social media and other platforms that clever enough to its most relevant audience so as to increase sales.

Online marketing is a huge business. It’s a 365 days a year business and there are thousands of people all over the world trying to generate an income from the internet. However one thing about making money online that you should understand is that there are many different ways of generating cash through the net. Some online money making strategies are very well known while other concepts are far less familiar. Today lets talk about adding content to your blog before monetizing,

Blogging is an powerful way to develop your online business. A good blog will attract more customers and keep relationships with your current customers. Here are 7 ways to increase your blog readership.

Each month, a few crazy videos, gifs or blog posts go viral on the internet and the people who created them gain international praise for them. Some of the people who go viral even make deals with particular companies like Belle Du Jour or Bryanboy.

How do you successfully make money from your blog? Is it really possible to make money blogging? Yes it is, and in this article I will explain how that is possible,along with answering other questions about blogging that you might have.

Blogging is one of the effective ways to hold the attention of a customer to your site or content you post on your blog. It may not only help you to interact with other people, but also increase the knowledge of a reader and give them a reason to come and visit your web page over and over again.

If you are blogging to make an income at home then you should consider affiliate marketing. It is more than just sharing links in your post. I give an overview of how to use email marketing and content to recommend products.

In summary, you can learn how to start your very own blog and grow it into a success without the need of ever having to hire around 10 different people to cover certain areas of the blog. For instance, having to hire a web or blog designer to build your blog, and then having to pay someone else for building traffic for you and so forth.

Anyone can start a blog and even maintain a blog but to have a blog that catches the attention of those web scrolling individuals means you need to create high quality content that will be inviting, interesting, and captivating. How to create my own or your own website all starts with unique high quality, SEO optimized content.

When you build your blog readership it helps to grow your business, draw in more customers and keep connections with your current customers. Here a 3 simple ways to build your blog readership so that they’ll keep coming back for more.

Blogging can feel like a very one-sided conversation sometimes. You’re sitting there, typing away, and sharing content with your readers.

The Key is to provide your audience with something Useful and Interesting to Tweet. Something inspirational really, because people Re-Tweet something that will make their Tweet Attractive. The question is, how do you provide your audience with Re-Tweet able Content for every Blog Post? It’s done by simply using the Right Plugins, and actually not all that complicated. You will be able to combine Twitter and WordPress Perfectly after reading this entire article. You’re in the right place, at the right time. All you have to do is keep reading, and pay close attention.

If you have ever sat down at your computer and wondered what to write then you should read this. This articles gives 3 easy ways you can come up with tons of blog post ideas.

It’s not a good feeling, the one you get when you pour your soul into a project (say, into writing a post for your blog, or an article for an online magazine) and no one “appreciates it.” The piece doesn’t attract any more visitors to your website, or to that online magazine you write for.

Are you asking yourself if it is really worth it to spend time on blogging? This article will give answers to that very question.






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